Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Breaking the Silence

We've been pretty quiet lately, purposefully.  Yet that is not our common state.

We value authenticity and yet we also value reconciliation, harmony, and respectful communication.

January was month full of prayer, counsel, and communication while we sought wisdom as to how to proceed with our relationship with ReachGlobal.  After much reflection and wise counsel we chose to resign from our position as missionaries with ReachGlobal Haiti.

We recently spend a week interviewing with a few different organizations in Haiti that we admire and respect.  While we received a couple offers, after more reflection we felt the Lord leading us back to Minneapolis.  And so we will return on March 5th.

Our hearts our heavy.  We love Haiti.  We love Haitians.  We love Haitian Creole and our ability to learn language (especially Luke's!).  We love this place and will miss it very, very much.

What's next?  We don't know.  But there are a few things that we do know, that we cling to...

Our God is Good
Our God Sovereign
Our Family is Missional

We have no clue what that looks like a few months from now, or really even next week for that matter.
We value your prayers.  And your encouraging words sustain us.
Thank you for continuing on this crazy journey with us.