Sunday, July 17, 2011

New Home for Diesel

I don't know what it is. Probably the approaching fall. We've been on an academic calendar our whole lives so fall seems like a time of newness. And its approaching. I'm starting to realize how much stuff we have. No matter what room I go into in my home, all I see is the many, many things that need to be given away, sold, thrown away, stored, etc. Ahhh. Anyway, we are starting to slowly find homes for most of our belongings. Okay, so Diesel isn't a "belonging", he's a family member. But along with Diesel comes many belongings (dog dishes, food, kennel, blankets, toys). And it's time to find Diesel and his things a new home.
Can you please help us by thinking of who you know that might like to be Diesel's new family?
Diesel is a 7 year old purebred Boxer. He has been with our family since he was 18 months old. He is extremely friendly and submissive. He is great with kids. He allows them to climb all over him, pull his ears, etc, and just enjoys the attention. He is a great guard dog. He only barks when people approach our house or when he can sense that I am afraid. And his bark is intimidating! He is also great with cats. Seeing as he has not been neutered, he should be the only dog in a home. He likes Chris and Luke but he is really attached to me and tends to be fond of and protective of women. So he should be in a home with at least one lady.
We have thought through taking him with us to Haiti and it just will not work. The climate change would be far too difficult for him along with plenty of other hardships. Even though we aren't moving for about 11 or 12 more months we really feel like now is the time to find him a new home. Luke is very attached to Diesel and giving Luke time to grieve his absence before a huge transition to Haiti will be helpful. We are trying to space out our "good-byes".
Please let us know if you or someone you know would like to be Diesel's new owners. THANK YOU!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Bit by Bit

Chris and I are truly blessed to watch as God reveals to us our support team! Having full confidence that the Lord will supply all our needs, support raising has become sort of an unveiling of a great gift from God. And bit by bit we are reaching our goal. As of today we are at 35% of our goal for monthly support. We are more than a third of the way there!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Further Encouragement

“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. “

Matthew 16:18

Last week, as part of our training, we spent 4 days at a church planting school with the EFCA. We learned a lot an enjoyed many aspects of the class, but for me the most encouraging for us was meeting and hearing the testimony of a Haitian seminary professor who will be partnering with our organization. Wadestrant Jean-Baptiste (or Wawa as he is also called) was born in a family steeped in voodoo as his father was a voodoo priest. Through a series of events he became a believer and ended up at seminary in the US, and now back in the evangelical seminary of Port-au-Prince. What was the most encouraging though is that despite immense hostility from his father regarding his conversion, he continued to share and live the Gospel with him and about three years ago his father gave his life to Christ, and more recently helped plant a church on the site where he used to practice witchcraft.

I am so excited to hear more about what God is already doing in Haiti and finding out how he can help use us in this process of proclaiming the Gospel and planting churches to be a light in the darkness. While we have seen this in the US, it is amazing to hear about specific people and places where the kingdom of darkness is in retreat. Praise God!

This is from last Friday's Twins game vs the Brewers. We took Wawa to see a bit of American culture and ended up waiting over two hours to start the game due to rain and to my surprise almost all the fans were still there for the first pitch. As we were leaving I asked Wawa if he learned anything about American culture after seeing the game and he said that we were patient.