Saturday, January 21, 2012


Well, I was pretty convinced that all my health issues were not simply stress related. Sure I have stress in my life right now. But what joyous stress it is - preparing to fulfil a calling on my life I've had for 15+ years.

This week I received a clinical diagnosis of Chronic Lyme Disease. The rode to recovery could be a long one that will involve plenty of antibiotics, dietary changes, and rest. But I am hoping and praying for full healing and that soon, very soon, my hands will be healed enough to sew again. After all, Easter is only a few months away and dress ideas are brewing.

Thank you to all those who have stood by me in this difficult time. Thank you for all your prayers. I would appreciate continued prayers as I continue to heal.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sar,
    I'm thankful for clarity and an official clinical diagnosis, but am sad to hear that you have to endure this new diagnosis. I will join in praying for your hands to heal, and for overall health as you prepare you and your family for the transition to Haiti.

    Much love,
