When we moved into the Clinton Ave house miss Eloise was not yet born. But just a week later she made an early arrival and joined the family. She entered the house as a wee 6lb 4oz perfectly sweet baby.
She quickly became a spirited toddler! Luke would fall asleep beside her on the floor of their green bedroom after comforting her in her fits. He'd bring a pillow down, cover them both up, and they'd drift off till morning.
She became a big sister just before her third birthday and took the responsibility quite seriously. She allowed Kate to crawl into her bed as soon as Kate was able and still allows Kate to twirl her hair until they both drift off. She was immediately and has continued to be a loving, protective big sister.
While she may grow quite slowly, she matures quite rapidly. She has become our responsible, studious, orderly doll. She amazes us with her sense of adventure, amazing upper body strength, and ability to create order out of chaos. What a beauty she's become.