Setting up a home in Haiti is very different from setting up a home in the States. I suppose just about everything is different here. We furnished our Clinton Ave house from used furniture from family, Ikea, estate sales, TJMaxx, and Target for the most part. When we needed something in particular - say a dresser, we looked into all our options and then picked the exactly what we needed for exactly the price we though reasonable. That is simply not how it works here.
Our home is great. We've been blessed greatly as my sister bought and set up our beds before we arrived, we shipped Ikea chairs in suitcases, and we found a reasonably priced kitchen table our 2nd day here. But since then we've added to our home quick slowly. Most furniture is sold on the side of the road in Port au Prince and the prices and inventory are not set. We can purchase some things in import stores but the prices are very high. So we are "shopping" around as best we can and hoping to have dressers for our clothes in the next couple of weeks. For now suitcases are working! And we are finding creative storage solutions from the local markets.
When I was in Vietnam, I kept folded clothes in a closed foot locker with unwrapped bars of soap. That way I kept varmints out of my personal things, and everything smelled fresh, not mildewy. For hanging clothes I had a bulb on a cord that hung just overhead, which I turned on during the rainy season, to help keep things dry (and warm!). But, with an iffy electricity system, that may not be an option for you. Sunshine might work best. Hugs to all! aunt Eda