Sunday, December 4, 2011
Mystery and Relief
The next two weeks were a blur of antibiotics, pain killers, extreme pain, extreme fatigue, vertigo, confusion and nausea. I went through a myriad of tests. Blood draw after blood draw, a trip to the ER, spine X-ray, mammogram, ultrasound, breast tissue biopsy, and a brain and shoulder MRI. The MRI was actually a pleasant experience - I even fell asleep. I felt like an astronaut. Anyway, what did I learn from all this testing? That I am an extremely healthy woman free of any life threatening or long-term disease. I was glad to learn that I do in fact have a brain and it works correctly.
I also learned that my immediate and extended family love me very very well. My cousin, Krista, became my hero - driving me from appointment to appointment and checking in on me often. My hubby, as always, showed extreme calm through the storm and picked up the slack around the house with apparent ease (at least he wasn't complaining). My sister-in-law, Angie, became my on-call doctor, helping me know what tests to ask for next and reassuring me that I am not insane. My mother, Barb, saved the day - the week actually. She came up the week after Thanksgiving to take over all the many tasks of a mother. Eloise asked her, "so you are sort of like our maid?!" My mother-in-law and her whole family showed great concern and wanted updated frequently.
What I didn't learn is the exact cause for my mysterious illness. My fatigue, vertigo, confusion, and nausea have lifted. The shooting nerve pain has ceased. I have been able to resume work and some household tasks. My left hand remains very sore and unable to perform fine motor skills for any significant amount of time. Being left-handed this makes writing, eating, and brushing my teeth quite difficult. But I am surprising myself at how quickly I am becoming ambidextrous.
I am trying my best to reduce stress in my life, rest, and recuperate. This means that any of you can feel free to scold me if I try to take on another "project". I may follow up with a neurologist in a few weeks. But now that I know it is nothing extremely serious I need a break from all the tests.
Thanks for all your love, concern, and prayers!
Monday, November 14, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Friday, October 7, 2011
Got Networks?
We are fairly confident we can get to 50% in the next few weeks. However, to get to 75% by April we are going to need help. We are in need of people to help introduce us to others who may want to learn more about our vision for Haiti. This could be your small group, your church mission board, your neighbors, your friends, your colleagues, or your family. Would you consider hosting a gathering of your contacts and allow us to present? We are more than willing to travel!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Fundraising Event
Silent Auction, Raffle, Free Appetizers and Beverages, Live Music, Fun!
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Creole continuing education
Thursday, August 25, 2011
School and Birthday
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Missing Doorbell
I forgot to update everyone. We found a new home for Diesel. He is now with a family in Chisholm, MN. He's been there for about 2 weeks now and things are going well, both for the new family and ours. We met the new owner at a mall parking lot in Duluth. Luke and his friend were allowed to shop together without adult supervision for the first time! So, needless to say, Luke was completely distracted when we said goodbye to Diesel and he's had a good attitude about it since.
The main thing that I have noticed is that our doorbell is gone. We've never had a working doorbell in our house. Instead we relied on Diesel to bark, alerting us when anyone approached the house. So to all my friends - if we don't answer the door we aren't avoiding you.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Simplify, Simplify
Sunday, July 17, 2011
New Home for Diesel
I don't know what it is. Probably the approaching fall. We've been on an academic calendar our whole lives so fall seems like a time of newness. And its approaching. I'm starting to realize how much stuff we have. No matter what room I go into in my home, all I see is the many, many things that need to be given away, sold, thrown away, stored, etc. Ahhh. Anyway, we are starting to slowly find homes for most of our belongings. Okay, so Diesel isn't a "belonging", he's a family member. But along with Diesel comes many belongings (dog dishes, food, kennel, blankets, toys). And it's time to find Diesel and his things a new home.
Can you please help us by thinking of who you know that might like to be Diesel's new family?
Diesel is a 7 year old purebred Boxer. He has been with our family since he was 18 months old. He is extremely friendly and submissive. He is great with kids. He allows them to climb all over him, pull his ears, etc, and just enjoys the attention. He is a great guard dog. He only barks when people approach our house or when he can sense that I am afraid. And his bark is intimidating! He is also great with cats. Seeing as he has not been neutered, he should be the only dog in a home. He likes Chris and Luke but he is really attached to me and tends to be fond of and protective of women. So he should be in a home with at least one lady.
We have thought through taking him with us to Haiti and it just will not work. The climate change would be far too difficult for him along with plenty of other hardships. Even though we aren't moving for about 11 or 12 more months we really feel like now is the time to find him a new home. Luke is very attached to Diesel and giving Luke time to grieve his absence before a huge transition to Haiti will be helpful. We are trying to space out our "good-byes".
Please let us know if you or someone you know would like to be Diesel's new owners. THANK YOU!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Bit by Bit
Chris and I are truly blessed to watch as God reveals to us our support team! Having full confidence that the Lord will supply all our needs, support raising has become sort of an unveiling of a great gift from God. And bit by bit we are reaching our goal. As of today we are at 35% of our goal for monthly support. We are more than a third of the way there!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Further Encouragement
“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. “
Matthew 16:18
Last week, as part of our training, we spent 4 days at a church planting school with the EFCA. We learned a lot an enjoyed many aspects of the class, but for me the most encouraging for us was meeting and hearing the testimony of a Haitian seminary professor who will be partnering with our organization. Wadestrant Jean-Baptiste (or Wawa as he is also called) was born in a family steeped in voodoo as his father was a voodoo priest. Through a series of events he became a believer and ended up at seminary in the US, and now back in the evangelical seminary of Port-au-Prince. What was the most encouraging though is that despite immense hostility from his father regarding his conversion, he continued to share and live the Gospel with him and about three years ago his father gave his life to Christ, and more recently helped plant a church on the site where he used to practice witchcraft.
I am so excited to hear more about what God is already doing in Haiti and finding out how he can help use us in this process of proclaiming the Gospel and planting churches to be a light in the darkness. While we have seen this in the US, it is amazing to hear about specific people and places where the kingdom of darkness is in retreat. Praise God!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
We have been neglecting our blog! So sorry. This week has been a tiring yet encouraging week as we are at a conference called, "Multiplying Churches Globally". We've had the opportunity to meet some team members and connect with others as well as learn. More on that later.
Our family is headed to Chicago July 6th - 11th. We are planning on visiting family and friends. If you are in the Milwaukee/Rockford/Chicago or surrounding areas we'd love to meet with you to share more about our vision for ministry in Haiti. Just let us know and we can find a time that works for us both.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Random Springtime Performances
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Heat Wave!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mother's Day
Today was an odd mother's day for me. I am overwhelmingly thankful for my mother as well as other mother figures in my life - my aunt Joanne, and my mother-in-law, Patty. I am thankful for a wonderful husband who makes mothering so easy. And I am thankful for my kiddos - who blessed me with clean bedrooms and plenty of artwork from school.
But today I was quite sad for the motherless. A couple of my girlfriends are mothering their babies without their own mothers here on earth with them. And all mothers know that you just have those days when you have to call your mom and vent, "Mom, is this normal?", "Mom, tell me this is a stage", "Mom, I'm sorry I was so annoying", etc. You just need your mom when you are a mother.
This morning I made the mistake of asking my son's best friend if he was going to see his mother today. He answered that his mom moved 2 years ago, changed her number, and he hasn't seen or talked to her since. Out of these random thoughts of sadness for those who are motherless and blessing for all I have been given - one thing stuck out...
The best mother's day gift I could ever receive. A text/facebook message from a neighborhood youth and #80205 of why leaving this neighorhood is going to break my heart:
@[519510835:Sara Murphy Thompson] aka mom#3 dont know where to start with you haha you are so so so funny even if you dont try to be! your also the mom that always always talking about how bright i a kid i am and i can do it even when i think i cant! - Markus
Monday, April 25, 2011
Reclaiming the Princess
Will a prince riding a white horse ever come to sweep them off their feet and make them live in a perfectly happily ever after world? Absolutely. Christ, the Prince of Peace, will come again, riding a white horse and will establish His Kingdom and make all things new. He already relentlessly pursues my daughters and myself.
And is desiring a grand romance on this earth such a bad thing? Chris didn't come on a white horse. He came in a beat up Volvo that smelled like brake fluid. Chris didn't litterally sweep me off my feet, but he sure did turn my world around. He hasn't made all things new and he hasn't created a perfectly happily ever after for me. He can't take away all my pain and sorrow. But he does dry my tears and ease my pain. He is my banner and protector. And each day he points me to my ultimate Prince. Each day Chris shows me glimmers of grace and perfection and helps to guide my to my Savior.
My hope for my girls is that the will continue to feel beautiful each day. That they will continue to dress up like princesses and bask in the compliments of Luke and Chris. That they will continue to believe in an Ultimate Prince. And my prayer for my girls is that God will provide them with earthly husbands that will reflect Christ.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Kung Fu Tinker Bell
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Beliefs have consequences
Monday, April 4, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Not My Own
I guess in part it is because we know Haiti. We know that danger does not lurk around every corner. We know people who know people who know which roads are safe and which are not. We know the threats as well as the misperceptions propagated by the media. But we also know that there are true instabilities in Haiti. Of most concern is the lack of trauma emergency care, the risk of malaria and dengue fever, and the possibility of my children witnessing violence. In general I think, especially as mothers, people wonder why I am at such peace with our decision to move our family to Haiti. And it all really boils down to my belief that my children are not my own - they belong to the Lord. He has entrusted them to my care, given me the privilege of the joy they bring, and given me the responsibility to raise them wisely. But ultimately they are not mine.
Several years ago I was single parenting Luke. I was an anxious new mother of a toddler struggling to emotionally handle all the responsibilities of a child. I felt very alone in making decisions for Luke and that was quite overwhelming. During this time I watched an episode of Oprah. The topic was teenage cellphone use while driving. The guest on the show was a mother who had lost her 3 year old daughter in a car accident due to an inattentive teen driver. The mother stayed very composed during the interview. However when she started sharing about how she was an extremely safe and cautious mother she broke down. Through tears she explained how she had never even driven in the rain with her daughter in the car. At that moment it struck me. I am charged with caring for my children but they simply aren't mine. No matter how extremely careful and safety conscience I am, the Lord has given them to me and the Lord can take them from me.
And so I have chosen trust and rest. I have chosen to lay my anxieties at the feet of my Lord. As we pursue our move to Haiti, I trust that the Lord has called our whole family to serve Him there. I trust that He will keep each member of my family in His care.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
He's FREE!!!!
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Continued Prayers for Danny Pye
One of our recent prayers in preparation has been for perseverance and strength through adversity. As we have mentioned here before, our good friend Danny Pye has been in a Haitian prison for over 4 months. Through dedicated prayer, journalistic work and phone calls people from all over the world have been petitioning for his release. While this has been encouraging to see how far this news has traveled, it is also disheartening to know he is as of today still in jail. One of the questions that we have discussed is what we would do in a similar situation. While there are no easy answers, we have been comforted by Jesus’ words in Luke 4:
[18] “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me
to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives
and recovering of sight to the blind,
to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
[19] to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.”
(Luke 4:18-19 ESV)
Here Jesus announces the begining of his minstry and a reminder of the power of God that is good news to the poor, the blind, the oppresed and the captive. So as we pray for Danny let us pray fervently for his release not only because it is just, and to reunite him to his family in Haiti and Florida, but also as a reminder of God’s grace to us in setting us free from our sin.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Please Join In Prayer
Friday, February 4, 2011
The Big Things
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
The Little Things
Monday, January 17, 2011
'Baby-Doc' Returns
Just recently it was announced that Jean-Claude -"baby-doc" Duvalier, the former leader/dictator of Haiti, had returned to the country. The Duvaliers, both Jean-Claude and his father Francois ran Haiti as "president for life" from 1964 to 1986. While going into the nature of this time in Haiti's history is beyond this post, for most Haitians they view it as a time where although there was perhaps more stability, there was also much fear - particularly of the secret police force, or tonton macoutes. So while I can't predict what effect his presence will have, it is obvious that it adds to the already stressful political and social situation there. So on this day, we pray for Haiti, their leaders and legal system as they try and navigate this situation and that despite the continued uncertainty in their country, Haitians will continue to turn to and cling to God.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
1 year later
In the ensuing days, Sara and I talked about how we could make and impact and eventually she was blessed with the opportunity to get there and help both her sister and the relief efforts already underway. When she returned 10 days later, she talked about meeting up with some folks from the EFCA and heard they were thinking about starting a long term team in Haiti. Missions had always been on her heart, and had been growing on mine in the past 8 years since my first trip there. I had always told myself that there would always be a better, more comfortable time than the present to think about missions. We had these conversations a few times and when she mentioned it again last February, I was surprised to find me saying yes, let’s start praying and seeking counsel on ministering in Haiti.
So now as we continue to prepare for this big change, we ask God to continue to be with and comfort the people of Haiti who have lost family, friends, pastors and leaders. We pray for those that are still living in tents, those without clean water or basic medical care. We pray for the missionaries and aid workers there working to help with these conditions. Finally, we pray that the good news of salvation will continue to stir our hearts to love and serve those in Haiti as all those whom we meet and interact with day to day.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
French Toast and Creole UNO
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Cooking from Scratch – Nan Kollin Style
For most of our dinners in Haiti we will probably use ingredients from both the Port au Prince grocery stores and Nan Kollin. I’m not the best meal planner and I love challenges. So I thought it would be great to have a few recipes on hand that are made completely of ingredients from Nan Kollin. You know, for those occasional evenings when I open the fridge to find nothing in it and I need to send Luke on a quick run to the market.
Chris and I have decided that we will dedicate one night a week to preparing a new recipe from scratch and learning a Haitian Creole vocabulary list as a family. I’ve asked friends in Haiti to give me a list of all the things sold in the Nan Kollin market. So now I need your help in coming up with a few recipes to try out from this limited list! If you are up to the challenge please post a comment with your recipe idea. Remember the meal does not need to contain meat and I hope to have basic spices on hand.
Ingredients: tomatoes, potatoes, onions, scallions, sweet potatoes, cabbage, lettuce, green peppers (tiny), hot peppers, acra root, militon, beets, green beans, banana peppers, avocados, garlic, papayas, grenadia, bananas, plantains, mangoes, frozen chicken leg quarters, hot dogs, sprite, coke, juice mix packets, chicken boullion cubes, corn flakes, powdered milk, flour, salt, sugar, corn meal, wheat, bread, condensed milk, eggs, pasta, ketchup, tomato paste, spaghetti, brown sugar, rice, many varieties of dried beans.
Thanks - Sara